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11 Oct 2022 | Newsletter Issue 13

Electoral Reforms


Pre-election pact on electoral reforms

It is encouraging that the government, the opposition and civil society are all talking about electoral reforms. This is a good thing. There is a realisation from all involved that elections under the current restrictive laws would be of little use. There is still no consensus on the form and extent of the crucial reforms that would make elections in Zimbabwe credible and move the country forward.

Sustainable nation building demands inclusive consultation where all stakeholders are equal partners with a common interest. Inclusive policy making guarantees wider purchase by all stakeholders paving a durable pathway towards peace, stability and sustainable prosperity. Policy making and institutions that marginalise certain stakeholders create ill-feelings and mistrust among compatriots which undermine nation building.

State-sponsored violence before, during and after elections since independence, has eroded the public’s confidence in electoral democracy. What is the point of voting when the whole process is rigged for the benefit of the incumbent?

The release of the “Pre-election Pact on Electoral Reforms” by the Nelson Chamisa-led CCC, and the government’s Electoral Amendment Bill 2022 offer an intersection of ideas for dialogue that will result in national consensus on electoral reforms. Zanu PF and the opposition are important stakeholders in the Zimbabwean story; so are organised business and faith-based organisations. No effort must be spared in widening the circle to ensure broad-based buy-in by all stakeholders.

So, the next step must be a citizen gathering, the objective of which is an agreement on a complete package of reforms. This process requires statesmen and women who rise above sectional interests and set their gaze on what is important for the 16 million people who make up the Zimbabwean nation.

As indicated last week in this newsletter, elections held under current conditions will most likely be contested and plant more seeds of disunity and instability. The experience of the past 42 years has shown that contested elections and our violent politics have been our undoing as a nation.

Is there enough time to do this important work before the next election?

The answer is an emphatic Yes!!

Postpone the 2023 elections if need be, so the next plebiscite is undertaken in near-perfect conditions. Credible elections, whose outcome is not contested, are an important building block for a common purpose, national development and prosperity for all.

Zimbabwe desperately needs normality for the majority of its citizens to breathe and dream again. All politicians genuinely invested in securing a better life for the majority of our citizens, particularly the poor, the widows and orphans, should grab this opportunity.

Lack of electoral reforms has been sighted as the justification for economic sanctions against Zimbabwe. It is in our self-interest to have a level playing field for free democratic expression. We have within us the power to do what will result in the lifting of sanctions – not to please anybody but for our own self-interest. Electoral reforms are good for Zanu PF, the opposition and all peace-loving citizens. Let us do this for posterity and for the love of Zimbabwe.

Customer Service Week

Last week was Customer Service Week. Companies invested time and resources in thanking the public for allowing them to continue servicing them. The quality of customer service in Zimbabwe does not measure up to international best practice. If companies actually care about the quality of customer service, maybe they ought to train all their staff, particularly public-facing personnel, on how to offer excellent customer service 24/7.

The emails last week are appreciated but are perfunctory considering the poor quality of customer service the public is subjected to over the other 51 weeks.

On that note, thank you to the staff at Cimas Borrowdale Clinic for excellent service – a beautiful facility and professional staff. We also experienced great service at Rolfe Valley Pharmacy. Keep it up guys!

In Conversation with Professor Christopher Chetsanga

The Episode with Prof Chetsanga is another keeper. Humpfrey Matanhire on YouTube had this to say: “Our leaders need to listen to this Trevor show. Free resource that could help bring prosperity.”

The issue of under-funding of scientific research at our institutions of higher learning is an important one that requires urgent attention. If you have not watched this episode from the man who discovered two enzymes it is available here.

Coming Next: In Conversation With Ambassador Dr. Arikana Chihombori-Quao

This no-holds-barred conversation with firebrand medical doctor, diplomat and entrepreneur will set alight many more conversations on the damage of colonialism on the continent, Pan-Africanism and the African Diaspora in the Americas. Dr Chihombori-Quao’s life journey is inspirational in so many ways. Subscribe to for this quality episode. Also available on our website



in conversation with trevorZimbabwean entrepreneur and newspaper publisher Trevor Ncube sits
down with various high-profile guests in a series of candid,
conversations that seeks to go beyond the headlines
and beyond the sensational.

Recent episodes:

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Book of the Week

book cover

Summary: Boundaries explains, with the help of modern psychology and Christian ideals, how to
improve your mental health and personal growth by establishing guidelines for self-care that include
saying no more often and standing firm in your decisions rather than letting people walk all over

Recommended Reading: The Everybody Hero
by Robin Sharma

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