27 August 2022 | Newsletter Issue 7
Identity and Resilience
“The tradition of all the dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brain of the living”
– Karl Marx. Zimbabweans are believed to be renowned for being uncomplaining despite the
country’s terrible economic performance. Something that might be characterized as a bad habit,
especially being practiced by people who continue to long for hope as if it were the only thing holding
them firmly to their belief in a better tomorrow.
In order to have a comprehensive understanding of what influences Zimbabwean people’s resiliency
and tenacity despite a barrage of historical grievances, one must first appreciate how we have been
molded by the various past generational experiences characterized by a history of colonial legacies
whose remnants still influence our present-day realities despite the country’s transition into self-
Our socio-economic challenges are huge and the list is long, but we endure because of our spirit and
aspirations, which is why over the years instead of seeing ourselves as victims of circumstance, we
have made the decision to become familiar with the Zimbabwean environment as a kind of school of
excellence from which one is expected to graduate.
Whether or not these experiences are gratifying or a mishap, we know that they give us self-assurance and
a positive outlook on life and will hopefully hold out until the day we reach the apex of our ambitions.
This ought to serve as a caution to the present and upcoming generations to take control of their
own destiny rather than placing their expectations on political leaders.
As much as we have endured decades of underrepresentation by political office-bearers, these
learned experiences continue to sustain our willpower, even when hope is nothing but a flirtatious
mirage flashed in front of our eyes by politicians.
In Conversation with Fred Swaniker
“If Africa is to move forward it will only do so on the back of good leaders”. Imagine an Africa
with leadership that genuinely understands what its people need in order to thrive. Imagine an Africa
with leaders that put people at the forefront of development.
This Africa is in the process of slowly being created by movers and shakers such as Fred Swaniker
who has a dream for African leadership, his dream is becoming a reality through the African
Leadership Group.
African Leaders need to be developed in a deliberate way. Fred believes that many of the leaders
that we currently have do not believe that they are there to serve the people. Governments have
three responsibilities: they must establish the rules, uphold the rules, and remove obstacles so that
people can live fulfilling lives.
At the African Leadership group, it’s all about bringing solutions to the table and creating think tanks
that focus on Africa’s main problems such as Urbanisation, Health care, Climate change, and
Governance just to mention a few as these also focus on opportunities that can be pursued in Africa.
The goal is to intentionally train leaders to understand that their function is greater than them.
Being a leader is about bringing true change in your community or country.
Watch the episode here.
MasterClass with Nigel Chanakira
Entrepreneur, banker, and leadership development facilitator Nigel Chanakira teaches some big
lessons on making bold moves in business no matter what other people may think of you or your
Starting out in the study of economics he learnt how to manipulate capital markets through his skills.
Some key takeaways from this Master Class include how important having those who believe in you
to stand closest to you and that if you want to see change, be the change you want to see in society
Watch the Masterclass here.
Coming Next: In Conversation with Nigel Munyati

Most recent episodes:
- Nutty O, artiste, singer, and songwriter.
- Livingstone Gwata, Former Group Chief Executive, FBC Holdings.
- Dr Matifadza Nyazema, Owner/Director Mbano Manor Hotel, Victoria Falls.
Listen to all the podcast sessions
Book of the Week
Summary: Strong cultures help people support one another, share their passions, and achieve big
goals. And such cultures of belonging aren’t just happy accidents – they can be purposefully cultivated,
whether they’re in a company, a faith institution or among friends and enthusiasts. Drawing on 3,000
years of history and his personal experience, Charles Vogl lays out seven time-tested principles for
growing enduring, effective and connected communities. He provides hands-on tools for creatively
adapting these principles to any group—formal or informal, mission driven or social, physical or
virtual. This book is a guide for leaders seeking to build a vibrant, living culture that will enrich
Order Now
on Amazon.
Recommended Reading:
The Advantage
by Patrick Lencioni

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